Community Projects
Projects completed
CREEL (Canna Renewable Energy and Electrification Ltd)
After many years of working toward the installation of a sustainable energy generation system, Canna is now producing its electricity from wind and sun. Six 18 metre wind turbines and a photo voltaic array, which together are capable of generating 60kW of electricity, took over from the diesel generators in October 2018. We have aspirations to reduce Canna's consumption of fossil fuels still further in the coming years by using more of our clean green electricity to heat our homes and power the farm's vehicles.
Sanday Road
Very few houses these days do not have vehicular access but until June of 2018, the properties on Sanday only had vehicle access at low tide. A new 'all tides' road is now in place, which has transformed Sanday life. Huge thanks to everybody who helped with the funding of this project and to Finlay Crawford of Black Isle for all the hard work that went into the road.
Canna Community shop
In 2011 the community identified a need to develop a retail outlet to cater for increasing visitor numbers and the residents of Canna. The ruined building known as the Binder Shed was renovated with the help of EU LEADER funds, into the excellent facility that we now have. The shop is run on an honesty basis, and is managed by community volunteers with part time, paid work to keep it clean and stocked during the busiest months.
Canna Community Moorings
The availability of properly maintained moorings is a major asset to the visiting yachts who use Canna as a regular stop off point when travelling the West Coast of Scotland. In 2012 a successful application to the Big Lottery’s Village SOS fund enabled the positioning of 10 moorings. These were ready for use in 2012 and have been popular ever since.
Community Polytunnel and Vegetable Garden
These are available for community members to utilise.
Projects ongoing
Development Manager
The community appointed a development officer in February 2020 and this has enabled progress to be made on a number of projects identified in the Development Plan.

Affordable community housing
The community is working with the Communities Housing Trust and the National Trust for Scotland to enable three new, energy efficient houses for lease, to be built on Canna. This will allow us to attract new residents, which is a vital part of creating a more sustainable community.
Coroghon Barn and Bunkhouse project
The community is working with a range of organizations including the Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) to investigate the possibility of renovating this listed 18th Century building, currently designated ‘At Risk’.
Our plan is to create space for community events and small businesses alongside a new, energy efficient bunkhouse to generate employment and stimulate new business opportunities on Canna. We are grateful for the financial support AHF has given us towards this project.
Visitor Hub
There is a real need for better visitor reception and facilities at Canna Pier. In 2024 we started building this facility. It will be completed by November 2024. This will include a base for Canna's NTS Ranger, a dedicated doctor’s room and disabled access toilets / shower / drying facilities for yacht crews and other visitors.
Shearing Shed
One of the farm buildings has been transformed for community use. The Co-op local community fund supported the provision of a new wooden floor. Lighting and limited heating is now in place. We have a public entertainments license and are using the space for performance events as well as for meetings and community activities.
Development Plan (2023 - 2033)
Our island development plan has been revised and updated. Working on the infrastructure has been our first priority and taken up our time. Better infrastructure will underpin any future increase in housing stock and provision of work space. A modest increase in residents and more overnight stay facilities for visitors would assist in the creation of a more sustainable community on Canna. Our vision is for sustainable demographic growth supported by good employment opportunities, good services, facilities and affordable housing. We hope that our work will reverse historic population decline and contribute to the development of sustainable small islands in the 21st Century.
Articles of Association
Development Plan
Projects ongoing
Rhu Church
Weatherproofing the Rhu Church is a project that the community would love to undertake. The Rhu is still used for occasional Church of Scotland services and could be a wonderful space for weddings and concerts in the future.
Canna's Decarbonisation Roadmap
An assessment of our current and future energy consumption with a view to reducing our carbon footprint has been undertaken with support from the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme. Understanding how we can improve our current situation and how we can most efficiently utilize our own renewable wind and sun energy in existing and proposed buildings will start us on our road to decarbonisation.
Fair Work First
Isle of Canna Community Development Trust (IoCCDT) is committed to advancing the Scottish Government Fair Work First Policy. This means that we pay our staff at least the Real Living Wage, and we make every effort to ensure that our suppliers/ contractors are offered the same Real Living Wage rate when procuring goods or services. We also offer our staff and volunteers an Effective Workers Voice channel within the workplace. We avoid the use of zero-hours contracts.